International HiTECH Marketing Team Austria - Slovakia
Prof. Rainer Hasenauer - International team leader
Univ. Prof. Dr. Herbert Störi
Expertný team Ekonomická univerzita - Obchodná fakulta
Ing.Peter Filo. PhD - Koordinátor projektu za Ekonomickú univerzitu v Bratislave - Obchodná fakulta:
Implementácie do vzdelávania
prof.Ing. Ferdinand Daňo, PhD.
Ing. Štefan Žák, PhD.
Príprava výskumných úloh
Doc.Ing. Viera Kubičková, PhD.
Výskumná úloha: Test bed Robotika
Ing. Jozef Orgonáš, PhD.
Koordinátor Klubu pharMArket
Ing.Róbert Rehák, PhD
Koordinátor Klubu ON-LINE
Ing.Ľuboš Oláh
Kooordinátor Klubu EKOVIŽN
Mária Vasiľová, PhD.
Koordinátor Klubu AGRO-BIO
Ing.Alena Dudeková
Koordinácia styku s praxou
Ing. Veronika Nekolová, PhD.
Administrácia projektu:
Anna Balcová
====== Expertný team Wirtschaftsuniversität Viedeň ======
Thomas Wirth - Master in business administration (polytechnic), project manager at cross-border research project HiTECHCENTRUM is 42 years old. Secondary school degree, vocational training as a packaging maker, degree in business administration and engineering at polytechnic Giessen-Friedberg (Germany), scholarship and degree in international business at the university of central Lancashire, Preston, England. Four years assistant of the sales manager and area manager in selling packaging machines for an US-germany based company in Bavaria. Twelve years working as a marketing manager and board of directors for a family-owned, mid-sized company situated in the north of Germany. Since march 2010 doctorate at the university of economics Vienna and starting mid 2011 project manager at the research project HiTECHCENTRUM.
Dr. Wolfgang Schildorfer - holds a degree in Business Administration. He started his career in service development, with Austria’s largest telecommunications provider. After that he set-up and led a company for the usage of new business models in Marketing for Telecom- and Internet-services. He led a promotion agency specialising in integrated communication. Since 2007 in HiTec Wolfgang elaborated roll-out strategies and business models for strategic EC projects (eMOTION, COOPERS and 2DECIDE). He led a feasibility study on Saxony-Anhalt’s Galileo testbed and is on the management team of Austria’s cooperative service testbed “Testfeld Telematik. Since 2007 he has teached innovation marketing together with Rainer Hasenauer, Peter Filo and Doris Bankosegger at the Vienna University of Economics and Business, at the Technical University Vienna and the FH Campus 02 in Graz.
Günther Klee - project assistant in the cross-border research project “hi-tech center”, is 23 years old. He graduated from high-school in 2006 and began a bachelor program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Since the beginning of February he is employed with Project N00092 and currently writing his bachelor thesis in high-tech-marketing on the technology acceptance of physiotherapy robotics
Doris Bankosegger - Doris Bankosegger has been a researcher in the Hitec Marketing Team since 2007. She has a degree in communication and French from the University of Salzburg, where she specialized in the economics of media companies. Due to her involvement in several research projects at a national and European level before and since joining Hitec, she has gained experience in the fields of ITS, location-based services and public safety and security. Main involvement areas are the analysis of high technology markets, the assessment of user acceptance and business development activities. Since 2008 she he has teached innovation marketing together with Herbert Störi, Rainer Hasenauer and Wolfgang Schildorfer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and at the Technical University Vienna.
Impressum/Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz: Inhaber der Website ist das Institut für Angewandte Physik der TU Wien, 1040 Wien. Es gilt der Haftungsausschluss der TU Wien.