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Development of the testbed concept to prepare the market entry for high-tech products and to validate marketing concepts:

  • Market research services for companies with high-tech products
  • Preparation of marketing strategies for innovative high-tech products
  • Support for start-up companies and innovative enterprises with a focus on high-tech products and technologies
  • Specific market research tasks and business development for start-up companies and innovators
  • Co-operation with partner-universities in the field of market research and marketing strategies

N00092 ETC Projekt SK - AT hi-tech center in der grenzüberschreitenden Region

logo EU-ERDF logo SK-AT

Impressum/Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz: Inhaber der Website ist das Institut für Angewandte Physik der TU Wien, 1040 Wien. Es gilt der Haftungsausschluss der TU Wien.

en/goals.txt · Last modified: 2012-01-09 14:07 by bankosegger